Friday, March 7, 2008

Old Age...

Old age.... for some it brings a lot of knowledge and respect; and for others, still a lot of knowledge..and no respect...So easily people tend to forget that they will be reaching this very stage sooner or later..

But its my first ever attempt to why have I chosen this topic???

Firstly, because I think very few people would notice the treatment we give them... and secondly, I saw someone treating a very old couple like they are worth nothing... so its just a small attempt to question ourselves..

I work in a five star hotel and we get to see people of all ages and nationalities. We had this old couple taking a last tour of their lives..on a cruise ship. They had finished the tour in Auckland and were supposed to fly to London that evening. The lady had a serious urinating problem and they were both very tired after the tour. For these simple reasons they wanted to keep their room till late, which was promptly denied by my duty manager; even though there was no trouble in doing so. They left the room at 11.00 am and chose to sit in the lobby for next eight hours before going to Airport. All this time they sat in front of me trying to kill the time. Every five minutes or so; the lady would go to toilet and her husband will get up and keep standing outside the toilets, worried sick if something goes wrong with her. Once the old fellow dozed off on the chair and lady waited for about an hour without going to toilet thinking that he will get really worried if he doesn't see her next to him..
Even after all this, my manager did not offer them a room or a better place to spend time.

Since this day I keep wondering...why does this happen?? Why do we behave like this? Although old, they still have same feelings.. they love each other and be there for each other under all circumstances. Something we want; but very few people are lucky to get unconditioned love. Why do we even need old age homes?? Their own kids refuse to take their responsibility, kick them out of the same house they built so as to give us better life... There are people who think Oldies are nothing but a burden.. why? haven't we been a burden on them?? when we were babies, when we were ill, when they had to watch every step we take...?? I have seen many people asking their own parents to shut up and stop giving suggestions...

Just imagine the frustration they would have....And why is it so different anyway?? Just because they are old? cant walk without support? have health problems and you have to spend money for it? cause they don't earn anything anymore??? There could be many reasons to get irritated with them. But are there no reasons to love them as much?? They brought us in this world.. they are more knowledgeable, they taught us all that we know today, its the same hand you were so scared to leave when you first went to school, the same person who swore to be there for you when you first learned to ride a bike....They saw you growing..knowing that you will, one day or the other, fly away...!!

There are many people who understand their importance... and there are some oldies who think the whole world is against them.... but both these cases are rare... Besides, there are hardly any societies like CRY, that are actively working for them. All they really need is a bit more love and respect from us all... And its not very hard... If everyone starts respecting their parents and grandparents, it wont be hard to respect all the other elders. Education really never stops and we can still learn a lot from our elders. Most of the cultures teach us to respect the elders. But we are definitely lacking somewhere.. The new generation is learning from us....This is what we are showing them... teaching them....They are growing with this All Cool attitude. If nothing is changed, our future will be even worse. After all, what we do, comes back to us in three fold...!!!

I hope this blog will bring enough shame in me so I wont keep quite next time.

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